
GfL/TUD rolling out Vertical Profile Assessment Tool (V-PAT) to EUROCONTROL

December 2017 | Software

Since 2015, TU Dresden, Chair for Air Transport and Logistics jointly developed with GfL the new V-PAT version under SESAR, now running as a JAVA application. As such, V-PAT is able to run on any operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS X). Various metrics (e.g., time, altitude and fuel burn sampling of horizontal flight segments during CDO) were developed and implemented to assess flight trajectories in fast time using CCO and CDO as proxies for vertical flight efficiency (VFE). V-PAT is now capable of handling several thousands of flight trajectories in a single run and is able to assess the undertaking of VFE based upon the outcomes of the European CCO and CDO Taskforce1. VPAT has now been formally deployed to the Directorate Pan-European Single Sky, EUROCONTROL in Brussels. "I confirm that we are satisfied with the final deliverable and we thank you for the hard work put into the project by your team." says D. Brain, DPS/POL, EUROCONTROL (see here for more details on related EUROCONTROL activities). 



VPAT Trajectory lateral profile using OpenStreetMap © GfL 2017
VPAT Trajectory lateral profile using OpenStreetMap © GfL 2017
VPAT Trajectory vertical profile © GfL 2017
VPAT Trajectory vertical profile © GfL 2017