
SMS and SecMS Tool in use at LEJ Airport

SMS and SecMS Tool in use at LEJ Airport

November 2023 | Customer: Leipzig/Halle Airport | Software

At the airport Leipzig-Halle, the individually implemented tools 'Safety Management System' (incl. ECCAIRS2-Interface) and 'Security Management System' are in daily operational use

SMS and SecMS Tool in use at DRS Airport

SMS and SecMS Tool in use at DRS Airport

November 2023 | Customer: Dresden International Airport | Software

At the airport Dresden, the individually implemented tools 'Safety Management System' (incl. ECCAIRS2-Interface) and 'Security Management System' are in daily operational use

flight profile analysis tool ETAS 3.1

flight profile analysis tool ETAS 3.1

April 2023 | Customer: DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH | Software

DFS uses ETAS (Enhanced Trajectory Analysis System) version 3.1 within the framework of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Optimiertes Fliegen" ("Optimised Flying Group") to investigate and assess the flight-specific fuel consumption for airlines represented in the group.

ACM and DAM Tools in use at SCN airport

ACM and DAM Tools in use at SCN airport

February 2023 | Customer: Flughafen Saarbrücken | Software

At the airport Saarbrücken, the individually implemented airport management tools 'Airport Compliance Monitor', 'Safety Management System' and 'Digital Aerodrome Manual' are in daily operational use

ACM and SMS Tools in use at DUS Airport

ACM and SMS Tools in use at DUS Airport

January 2023 | Customer: Düsseldorf Airport | Software

At the airport Düsseldorf, the individually implemented airport management tools 'Airport Compliance Monitor' and 'Safety Management System' (incl. ECCAIRS2-Interface) are in daily operational use

ACM, SMS and DAM Tools in use at BWE airport

ACM, SMS and DAM Tools in use at BWE airport

November 2022 | Customer: Braunschweig Wolfsburg Airport | Software

At the airport Braunschweig-Wolfsburg, the individually implemented airport management tools 'Airport Compliance Monitor', 'Safety Management System' (incl. ECCAIRS2-Interface) and 'Digital Aerodrome Manual' are in daily operational use

ACM, SMS and DAM Tools in use at HAJ airport

ACM, SMS and DAM Tools in use at HAJ airport

September 2022 | Customer: Hannover Airport | Software

At the airport Hannover-Langenhangen, the individually implemented airport management tools 'Airport Compliance Monitor' , 'Safety Management System' (incl. ECCAIRS2-Interface) and 'Digital Aerodrome Manual' are in daily operational use

Development of version 2.6 of the Advanced Emission Model (AEM) 2.6

Development of version 2.6 of the Advanced Emission Model (AEM) 2.6

May 2022 | Customer: European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) | Software

Development of version 2.6 of the AEM tool, based on C++ 2017. The new version implements the new ICAO non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) calculation method and supports multiplatform (Windows/Linux) and multicore processing.

Development of a compliance and auditing software package for the Austrian BMK

Development of a compliance and auditing software package for the Austrian BMK

May 2021 | Customer: Federal Ministry of Climate Action and Energy Austria | Software

Implementation of a ministry specific version of the Airport Compliance Monitor (ACM) for the compliance analysis of infrastructure, organization and operations according to EASA regulations of the six international airports in Austria.

Development of a compliance and auditing software package for the District Government of Münster

Development of a compliance and auditing software package for the District Government of Münster

November 2020 | Customer: District Government of Münster | Software

Implementation of a specific version of the Airport Compliance Monitor (ACM) for the compliance analysis of infrastructure, organization and operations according to EASA regulations at the airports in the jurisdiction of the authority in North Rhine-Westphalia.

SMS Tool in use at RLG Airport

SMS Tool in use at RLG Airport

August 2018 | Customer: Rostock Airport | Software

At the airport Rostock-Laage, the individually implemented tool 'Safety Management System' is in daily operational use