
Innovation potentials of the use of carbon concrete on airport operating areas

October 2020 | Airport Planning

Within the framework of the funding guideline "Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation" (RUBIN, German: "Regionale unternehmerische Bündnisse für Innovation") GfL is involved in the alliance ISC – Industry Standard Carbon Concrete. Under the leadership of CARBOCON GmbH, the alliance is made up of representatives from industry and research.

GfL is investigating to what extent the advantageous properties of carbon concrete compared to conventional reinforced concrete (in particular heating function, electricity conducting function as well as load bearing capacity) can be used in the construction of airport operating areas and operational processes. The main focus is on the avoidance/reduction of contaminated surfaces (especially runways) with regard to the formation of ice, snow and slush by heatable carbon concrete elements. In the context of a preliminary study, GfL will conduct a market analysis and concept development.

Detailed information on the project can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Carbon concrete element (© TU Dresden)
Carbon concrete element (© TU Dresden)
Improved physical properties of carbon concrete compared to reinforced concrete (© CARBOCON GmbH)
Improved physical properties of carbon concrete compared to reinforced concrete (© CARBOCON GmbH)