
Safety assessment of runway holding points at Frankfurt/Main Airport to be continued and updated

January 2019 | Safety Assessment

GfL had already investigated in 2012, on behalf of Fraport AG, whether there were penetrations of the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) according to NfL I 328/01 respectively of the Obstacle Assessment Surfaces (OAS) according to NfL I 1/99 at runway holding positions imposed by aircraft during the waiting phase for roll-up clearance (see here). Corresponding penetrations were determined. As a result, a risk assessment for safe and regular flight operations up to operating level III (CAT III) was executed resulting in risk mitigation strategies. Since then, the airport's plans have been supplemented to include further holding positions, which are now being investigated by GfL. The derivation of an EASA-compatible acceptable level of risk is however complex in such investigations. Results are expected in early summer.

Holding position (© GfL mbH)
Holding position (© GfL mbH)